carnival song

  • pillars of bog
    pillars of bog upholding
    the party is held
    the party is held up by pillars of bog
    fish carcasses
    pillars of bog and fish carcasses
    guts and bones
    guts and bones party atop the pillars of bog
    and cake and fish carcasses
    storm came
    storm came over came in
    storm of wrecked bodies
    borne on by their own cries
    belted by great pillars of cake
    until they rained down on the party
    lusting for flesh and whipped cream
    it is not over yet
    fish spirits float in flutes like liquid pillars
    the guts cut open to swallow them
    to the music of flutes and bones
    the host descends upon the party
    ringed by pillars of cake and cream
    the host anointed with fish blood
    therell still be time for new gore
    after flesh storm clears
    after belts run slack
    after bones are sunk into the bog
    theres no need to cry
    all flesh is a signal
    quickend by fish and licked like whipped cream
    there’s no need to cry
    mute bones and mute flutes
    all flesh is a signal
    cut it open to mean
    to rove and roam over the music of the storm
    the music of the storm
    it is not over yet
    the party was held up
    over the music of the bog
    the flesh was held up
    by belts and by spirits and by lust
    the host was a whipping spirit
    roving the bog of meat
    raining cake on the wrecked bodies upholding the pillars
    new gore is patient
    it is not over yet
    new music lusts for wrecked bodies
    pillars of wrecked bodies holding up the party
    holding up the cake
    the signal of their cries, like flutes cut open and mute
    their cries are caught in a sack like bones
    the sack ascends the pillars
    to the party to the host
    it is not over yet
    the ring is dipped in gore and held up
    the host is patient
    the host anoints the patient bound by whips and belts with cake and gore
    the host opens the sack
    bones and cries whip the ears of the party
    the party whips and belts the patient
    the patient is patient
    the patient patiently plays the part before the party
    all flesh is a signal
    the party whips and belts the patient
    the party plays the part
    the flesh parted swallows the music of the cries
    the music of the cries
    it is not over yet
    cream is whipped and mixed with gore
    the whip plays the part
    the whip plays the patient
    bones and cries whip the ears of the party
    the bones play the part
    the cries play the part
    guts and gore rain over the bog
    it is not over yet
    the party is held up
    the cake is held up
    the meat is held up
    the guts are held up
    the ring is held up
    the bank is held up
    the new spirit is patient
    the signal is patient
    the patient is held up
    guts and gore rain over the bog
    it is not over yet
    all flesh is music
    lets dance