noise comes

noise comes to us
in its fancy too-much dress,
a lowball glass outstretched and ice clinking
crisply above its too-much din
while we work on separation,
making aisles of it,
something light can glint off
the hard edge of

instead of making form
less abject love with our rank tumours
which keep on pushing us over some
how and asking when we’ll be done,
with what they never divulge.
hold them close as they grow away
and into more of what they are, deformed
desire held up, and they know it, by
a rackwork that if its not there
they barf out themselves
so’s to be held.

they push us over somehow
so that the rays of irradiated
melody are shot into them and
not us, and we still dont know
if theyre being self-sacrificing slo-mo
movie heroes or selfish ray hogs.