texsxtxs: 5

we are all gonna live


weve been out in the while,
down openings, in the
foresworn rootstock moist with life.


, as seen from neurosis.


everythings staysising along nicely

the lot of it just show and tell,

burnt into these softnesses somewhere in us.


, as seen from neurosis.


suns and chains barrel over skies
flesh ebbs from veins
and it is actually the day of a stretchy new elastic-snapping baroque

& somewhere out there in it is
where our sex is, a romping wild boar

touching itself in an empty bath
swigging wine gone to vinegar


the world we lived in was a world, a world in (the form of) a giant flattened cardboard box, left on the footpath and rained on and mouldering

& how like all the ppl only see some thin crisp of what is happening,

& how like all the ppl are just some thin crisp of what is happening, metabolizing, vitrifying, carbonizing, sprouting out of cooled black lava crusts, spouting out of narrow stainless vats, vaporizing, rising, swimming in atmosphere.


be sure to be one of them


we are the holdings.

we the librarys holdings
stored in the hold
of the plane flying
in a holding pattern



on hold


worms now growing in the liquid
of yr eyes, but slowly, not breaking out
of them to eat your dinner just yet,

and they make the sky more becoming.

trees grow out of your face.
insects nest in yr hair.
vines tie your knees.
fungi sprout from yr toes.

and so, with all that, youre almost complete


all creation, all Creation, is useless, and thats why its so great!


& are we the only bit of it all that acts according to whats not there.

to a biased made-up tiny ever-so-slight crisp of whats not there.


Let us, however, leave the nutritive faculty alone,