am i still reporting

am i still reporting from a rotating
rack of mug slogans. i break
the parasites to you. thousands upon thousands
of kilometres of mangroves die off — and no one notices
for months, sitting over from the political,
out the back of some mask somewhere.
scene to be fled as soon as set. pantograph
down, pantograph up. let something else in. thousands
upon thousands of hoodies block the interstate.
and brass broke down at lectern, the necessary
symptom, the necessary smoothie. why talk
about this later, gorgeous and horrible,
the sorting of the animal parts as noted on listserve.
manifold unconditioneds mingle by the shore, 
impossible absolute indifferent opposites, what
with the everything of everything and everything.
endless headless bolt, nameless bolt, under questioning.
yet more lemmatisation. how select of you.
how long till cancer. we fall asleep to the ringing
jackhammers. as if, to see the terrain
from the pov of the oneworld airline alliance.